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Cc Cressey.t_Finalterm_Correctional Theory and Policy

Cc Cressey.t_Finalterm_Correctional Theory and Policy

Q • Review Robert Martinson’s (1974) article and what he concluded.• Discuss the evidence that emerged to challenge this nothing works view. IN particular, what role did meta-analysis play? What did it show was the overall effect of treatment on recidivism? Importantly, what did this research show about the heterogeneity of treatment effects?• Discuss the principles of effective intervention. Why are these important?• Is “restorative justice” an effective approach? Is it “rehabilitative”?Why might early intervention be an area that correctional policy might become concerned with?

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Robert Martinson's "Nothing works" essay has now turned into the sound of those contradicted to recovery or rehabilitative perfect and had impacted some in moving general society far from liberal projects of restoration and towards requital or discouragement as avocations for discipline. Through his exposition he presumed that; with few and disengaged special cases, the rehabilitative endeavours that have been accounted so far have had no apparent impact on criminal recidivism'. The consequences of such evaluation persuaded them that nothing works truly and one program did not appear to be more successful than another.